Looking for Volunteers for Soupalicious DUKE Heights BIA

Volunteer at
DUKE Heights BIA
We would love your help … we are a small but mighty team who would be extremely grateful to have you be one of our event volunteers.
We need LOTS of volunteers as the day is full of things to do …
Here’s what’s involved:
• Arrival by 9am for the first shift or 1pm for the second shift to the event location at 1107 Finch Ave. West Toronto, ON M3J 2C5
• You’ll help us set up the serving stations, tents … and get excited along with the rest of us as we get the soups heated up and ready for tasting.
• During the event, we’ll have lots of things to do … we want you to have fun and be proud of being part of an event that is all about caring and sharing …. so along with your help for our event, we’ll make sure you have the opportunity to also “sip, slurp and savour”
• The second shift will help us with the clean-up and tear-down (sniff … Soupalicious DUKE Heights BIA is over but what fun we had .. and wasn’t it yummy? =) …)
So … please email us.
We are grateful for your time and consider it a real privilege that you would be willing to help us.