The How to's of Food Gardening & Sharing
Grow Your Soup
The How to's of Food Gardening & Sharing
Grow Your Soup

Across Toronto, gardeners have been growing veggies in their backyards, balconies and community gardens. At Soupalicious®, the community can now come together to share and slurp the tastiness of these veggies that have been harvested for the soups!
Soupalicious is passionate about edible gardening in Toronto and encourages Torontonians to grow and eat local. As an extension of the Plant • Grow • Share a Row program which builds on the long standing tradition of gardeners loving to share their harvests with those in need, Soupalicious Toronto is focused on the preparatory work throughout the food gardening season that will allow us to feature stories and information about edible gardening, encouraging folks in Toronto to include veggies and fruits in the gardening plans this season & beyond.
The promotion of locally grown veggies, local restaurants and our own ability to grow food to feed our families as well as share with those in need are key themes of Soupalicious.
In the long term, through Plant • Grow • Share a Row's strong connections with edible gardening communities, environmental and food-sharing constituencies in Ontario, Soupalicious will be a "connect - the - dots" harvest celebration serving as a showcase of what Ontario is all about and why it is a place worthy of visiting.
Plant • Grow • Share a Row presents ...
The Grow Your Veggie Garden WORKBOOK
This veggie gardening “how to” workbook has been a labour of love, written and illustrated with the passionate belief in the power of veggie gardening to provide solutions to many issues of our time.