About Us
About Us

With the bounty of Ontario's fresh harvest and the talents of local chefs, the creation of soups is the perfect opportunity to showcase Ontario's culinary, agricultural, environmental and social connections in a fun and tasty way!
Soupalicious® is presented by the Plant • Grow • Share a Row program. Building upon the long standing traditions of gardeners loving to share their harvest with those in need, Plant • Grow • Share a Row is a national initiative that encourages folks to grow an extra row of food and share extras from their harvest with those in need. The program is spearheaded by The Compost Council of Canada and Garden Writers Association, with the support from local food banks.
The roots of Soupalicious began in Toronto during the late 1990s and Compost Week celebrations when the story, Stone Soup, was read on top of a compost pile.
The story of community sharing and learning struck a chord that began to be woven into the Council's outreach programs for Plant • Grow • Share a Row. Begun first in Sault Ste. Marie when the Compost Council of Canada and the local compost facility, Lemieux Composting, invited local restaurants to present their soup creations at a harvest-sharing celebration, the program was later expanded with the involvement of Marty Galin.
SOUPALICIOUS offers a medley of soups from great restaurants and chefs that will delight taste buds, warm hearts and bellies!
We try to make SOUPALICIOUS a ZERO WASTE event. Bring your own spoon and a hearty appetite! The soup samples will be ladled out in 4oz compostable cups which post-the-event, along with the wipe-your-mouth serviettes, will be sent for composting at a nearby compost facility should they exist (right now, sadly, there are not enough facilities available across Canada but day-by-day it is getting better).